Zeek Rewards Responses

Zeek Rewards Responses From Real People So yesterday I wrote a post on how I was disgusted by the vultures in MLM who were preying upon the victims of Zeek Rewards, view HERE. Well the responses in reference to my Zeek Rewards post have been flooding in via Facebook and the emails too.  I wanted [...]

2012-08-30T14:22:29-05:00August 19th, 2012|Blog Post|0 Comments

Zeek Rewards News

Zeek Rewards - Why I Am Disgusted This Zeek Rewards article may speak directly to you or maybe you can relate to why I am so disgusted by the news. The news.... the SEC shuts down the popular website ZeekRewards.com calling it a $600 million dollar ponzi scheme.  Click HERE to view the article. As a [...]

2012-08-30T14:22:36-05:00August 18th, 2012|Blog Post|22 Comments

Rank Your YouTube Video

How To Rank Your YouTube Video With the Latest Algorithm If you want to learn how to rank your YoutTube video or you already have the skill sets to ranking your videos then you might find this interesting.  YouTube like Google is going to be changing their algorithm very soon, which just came to me [...]

2012-08-14T17:09:27-05:00August 14th, 2012|Blog Post|9 Comments

Poverty Mindset

Characteristics Of A Poverty Mindset I think it's important to note today the characteristics behind a poverty mindset? If you have a poverty mindset, ask yourself how those thoughts serve you? Do they create abundance in your life? Success? Wealth? Positive energy? Or do they take you down a road of negativity and failure? Take [...]

2012-07-31T23:46:45-05:00July 31st, 2012|Blog Post|5 Comments

Futuristic Marketing Back Office

Futuristic Marketing - What's Behind the Closed Doors? Welcome to this Futuristic Marketing post where I am going to take you through our back office of this epic new product created by Jonathan Budd and Mark Hoverson. I know it's sometimes difficult to really know if you are making the right decision when it comes [...]

2012-07-30T13:30:25-05:00July 30th, 2012|Blog Post|0 Comments

FHTM – Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing

FHTM - Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing FHTM - Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing Review FHTM - Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing has large range of products.  If you are here on this blog and looking for a third party biased review on this company then look no further.  Quite possible you are already a part of FHTM - [...]

2016-11-30T10:22:40-06:00July 24th, 2012|Blog Post|4 Comments

Visalus Review

Visalus Visalus Review - Evaluation If you landed on this blog there is a good chance you are looking into Visalus Sciences to find out more about the products, the opportunity or perhaps you landed here due to the fact that you are currently a part of Visalus Sciences as well and you [...]

2016-11-30T10:24:19-06:00July 23rd, 2012|Blog Post|5 Comments

Futuristic Marketing Bonus

Futuristic Marketing Bonus Futuristic Marketing Bonus If you have been hiding under a rock then maybe you have missed all the buzz about Futuristic Marketing by Jonathan Budd and Mark Hoverson. Click HERE to get caught up on all 4 of the FREE video trainings.  Futuristic Marketing Bonus Offer As a leader who [...]

2012-07-23T16:34:35-05:00July 23rd, 2012|Blog Post|14 Comments

MLM Leaders Exposure

Want Exposure From Successful MLM Leaders? Have you ever looked around the MLM industry and wondered how Mr. X or Ms. Y gets exposure from other MLM leaders?  Then thought to yourself how you wish you could have that happen to you but you just weren't sure how to make that happen. In this post [...]

2016-10-26T17:56:28-05:00July 19th, 2012|Network Marketing|8 Comments

Futuristic Marketing Review

Jonathan Budd over the past 6 years has brought in over 15 million dollars and now it's time for you, starting today to get your fair share of his revenues with Futuristic Marketing. How? Well you can start by checking out his latest, epic program called Futuristic Marketing. This program will put you on the [...]

2016-11-30T10:26:41-06:00July 17th, 2012|Blog Post|0 Comments

Furturistic Marketing Quiz

Futuristic Marketing Quiz Just Release by Jonathan Budd & Mark Hoverson Futuristic Marketing just released a stellar 3 minute quiz to help you see how you stack up to other marketers in the internet marketing / network marketing industry. Click HERE to take the 3 minute quiz now. This quiz is surprisingly cool and the results [...]

2012-07-16T09:51:59-05:00July 16th, 2012|Blog Post|1 Comment

Irresistible Offer

Creating An Irresistible Offer When creating an irresistible offer there are 5 strategies that have the greatest influence on your buyers.  Whatever niche you are in knowing these strategies will help you create an irresistible offer that will have your prospects buying from you in that very instance. Below you will find these strategies in [...]

2012-07-15T18:22:22-05:00July 15th, 2012|Blog Post|8 Comments


Javita Company Review & Success Tips If you landed on this page there is a good chance you are looking at Javita as an opportunity to join or quite possibly you are a part of Javita and you are looking for a way to build your organization quickly. Either way I am here to give [...]

2012-07-08T20:16:55-05:00July 8th, 2012|Blog Post|4 Comments

Facebook Voice Feature

Facebook Voice Feature Alot of you have been asking lately what is the Facebook Voice feature as shown in this picture.  Facebook recently released a new feature called "voice". This function allows an admin of a Facebook Fan Page engage as themselves (real name) on the page. This really only effects those who have branded [...]

2016-10-26T17:56:57-05:00July 7th, 2012|Facebook Marketing|6 Comments


SocialAdr - A Great Social Bookmarking Site Just recently we heard about a program, SocialAdr, for getting more traffic to our blog through social bookmarking which creates massive backlinks. We were hesitant at first to give it a try since we were already using another program.  The problem with our current program was it seemed [...]

2012-07-06T22:29:15-05:00July 6th, 2012|Blog Post|5 Comments

Social Reach

Facebook Social Reach How to Improve Your Facebook Social Reach Facebook Social Reach - The more fans you have on Facebook the bigger your reach.  Yes simple as that but, you may be scratching your head wondering how you can get more fans to expand your social reach. In this post I am [...]

2012-07-05T20:39:29-05:00July 5th, 2012|Blog Post|9 Comments
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