MLM Recruiting Tips: How to increase your conversions.

In today's MLM recruiting tips video we talk about how to increase your conversions with your prospects. MLM Recruiting Tips: When you're prospecting you want to make sure you're including an action step in your conversation. For example: Let's schedule a call for sometime this week. We can talk at 1 or 2pm, always give [...]

Facebook Conversion Tracking

In today's video I want to talk about Facebook Conversion Tracking Pixels and why you should be using them to track your return on investment when it comes to your advertising campaigns. Take a look at the video below. Facebook Conversion Tracking So why should you use Facebook conversion tracking?  Well let's say you're running [...]

2016-12-20T15:56:25-06:00June 5th, 2014|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments

MLM Prospecting: Active Listenting

In today's can't miss MLM Prospecting video I talk about the importance of being an active listener when conducting your MLM prospecting and how most people LEAVE MONEY ON THE TABLE by not doing these two simple strategies I share in this video!! MLM Prospecting: Here's the problem most people face when conducting their mlm [...]

2016-12-20T15:20:51-06:00May 28th, 2014|Network Marketing|0 Comments

Advertise on Facebook: Targeting

In today's video I want to talk about Facebook advertising. If you want to advertise on Facebook you need to know what levels of targeting you have access too. Take a look below. Facebook Advertising. If you're promoting a high ticket program like the one we promote called MOBE you may benefit from the additional [...]

2016-12-20T15:21:54-06:00May 28th, 2014|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments

Online Success:

Want to achieve Online Success? Watch this video below as I talk about what important decision played a key role in our online success. What did we do to go from making $0 dollars online to $10K a month in just 6 short months. Be sure to watch the entire video as I have a [...]

2016-12-20T15:23:55-06:00May 21st, 2014|Blog Post|0 Comments

Facebook Fraud: How getting Fake Likes can hurt you.

In this video on Facebook Fraud, I want to talk about the topic of buying Facebook likes, otherwise known as Fan Farming. Fan Farming: So what is Fan Farming? It's basically the process of buying Facebook likes from all of these "vendors" online. Here's what happens, often times you can go to places [...]

2016-10-26T16:03:17-05:00April 17th, 2014|Facebook Marketing|2 Comments
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