MLM Using Facebook

How to Talk About Your MLM Using Facebook I often get asked, "Michelle, how do I talk about my MLM using Facebook without sounding pushy or pitchy. First, I want to applaud those curious because that tells me they do care about how people perceive them.  You see one of the aspects of Facebook marketing [...]

2018-05-09T13:35:14-05:00December 3rd, 2012|Network Marketing|9 Comments

Internet Marketing Daily Schedule

Internet Marketing Daily Schedule Today I thought I would share my new internet marketing daily schedule with you.  Recently I started listening to personal development audio books and the most recent one I am currently listening to is called "Eat That Frog" by Brian Tracy. In the book "Eat That Frog" Brian Tracy talks about [...]

2016-10-26T17:41:43-05:00November 26th, 2012|Internet Marketing|19 Comments

The Traffic Playbook Bonus

The Traffic Playbook Bonus Buy HERE <=== if you want to buy from Michelle Buy HERE <=== if you are buying from Staci Gauny (Tribe Pro) Either way you will be the Traffic Playbook and the bonuses. **Bonus 8 Modules of my Facebook Affiliate Marketing Blueprint showing you exactly how we raked in over 100 sales [...]

2018-05-09T13:23:04-05:00November 21st, 2012|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments

Facebook Fan Page Foundation

Building an Irresistible Facebook Fan Page Foundation Today I want to talk to you about building a solid irresistible Facebook fan page foundation.  There are 5 components that are key to building a successful Facebook fan page and I discuss those in the video below. Those components are 1. Name 2. Cover Photo 3. Image [...]

2016-11-30T11:25:34-06:00November 16th, 2012|Facebook Marketing|4 Comments

Is There an Ambit Energy Scam

Is There an Ambit Energy Scam First off congratulations on doing due diligence on researching whether there is an Ambit Energy Scam or not.  I am not part of Amit Energy but have been in the network marketing industry for quite sometime and I can tell you that Ambit Energy is a viable network marketing [...]

2012-11-14T18:26:22-06:00November 14th, 2012|Blog Post|1 Comment

The Traffic Playbook Replay

The Traffic Playbook Replay I twisted their arms today and bribed them with tequila to discuss with you how to get a TON of traffic, without paying an arm and a leg for it. to turn that traffic into LEADS and SALES. Today Ferny & Raymond covered their to 4 traffic strategies...the exact capture [...]

2016-10-26T17:42:45-05:00November 14th, 2012|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments

Facebook Fan Page Status Updates

Facebook Fan Page Status Updates - Does Promoting Work? Promoting your Facebook Fan Page status updates are definitely effective if you want to reach more fans, get more leads, more exposure, more sales and more engagement on you Facebook fan page. In the Facebook fan page status updates video below I show you how to [...]

2016-11-30T11:13:37-06:00November 9th, 2012|Facebook Marketing|4 Comments

Is There A Market America Scam?

Is There A Market America Scam? If you landed here on this page there is a good chance you are researching the claims as to whether there is a Market America scam.  First off I want to say congratulation on doing your due diligence in researching the Market America opportunity. Also I am not a [...]

2012-11-08T18:16:32-06:00November 8th, 2012|Blog Post|1 Comment

Traffic Playbook

Traffic Playbook - Get Lead NOW A few weeks back at an event held here in Dallas, Tx called Live the Dream III hosted by MLSP, my good friends Raymond Fong & Ferny Ceballos spoke to an audience of marketers on traffic & lead generation. Now if you are in the internet marketing industry you [...]

2016-10-26T17:44:10-05:00November 8th, 2012|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments

Want MLM Success

Want MLM Success? If you are looking for MLM success then you might want to consider what I am about to talk about today.  Recently I attended our national expansion team's first meeting here in Dallas, Tx and heard something interesting that made a lot of sense when it comes to MLM success. I wanted [...]

2018-05-09T13:37:57-05:00November 6th, 2012|Network Marketing|0 Comments

Facebook Network Marketing Tips

Facebook Network Marketing Tips For Any Business There are several benefits to employing Facebook network marketing strategies. Facebook along with other social media outlets allows you to instantly communicate with a broad customer base, and interact with them to generate an interest in your products, services, and business opportunity. In this post I guide you [...]

2016-10-26T17:44:54-05:00October 31st, 2012|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments
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