MLM Prospecting Tips: What you can do to become better at prospecting.

In today's MLM prospecting tips video we discuss how you can become better at the prospecting process and I coach you on how to establish rapport immediately with your prospects. Prospecting and calling leads is already hard enough but if you're NOT establishing rapport with your leads OR if you don't know how to establish rapport [...]

MLM Prospecting: How To Prospect The Right Way.

In today's MUST SEE video I discuss the dreaded and feared topic of....PROSPECTING!!! How to become a master at MLM prospecting. That's right, prospecting. You know... the thing that keeps you up at night and makes you want to curl up in the fetal position when you're faced with having to do it.  It's easy [...]

MLM Tips: How To Overcome Your Fears and Take MASSIVE Action!

In today's MLM tips video I want to talk about how you can overcome your fears and start taking massive action today in your business. Watch the video below: MLM Tips: Often times people are held back because they feel like they have no idea what they're doing, when in reality they fear the outcome [...]

Prospecting: How to call your MLM leads.

In this video I want to talk about MLM prospecting, and most importantly how to call your MLM leads when prospecting. Prospecting: How to Call Your MLM Leads! Do you ever find yourself drawing a complete blank on what to say when you call your leads? Have you ever been so nervous or afraid that you [...]

Facebook Ads: How to improve your Ad Performance

In this video I want to discuss how to improve your ad performance when using Facebook advertising. Get ready to take some notes and watch below! Facebook Ads: When using Facebook advertising it's important to know exactly how your target audience is. You can target by demographics, age, relationship status, male/female, sexual orientation, as well [...]

2016-12-13T22:26:06-06:00February 14th, 2014|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments

Facebook Advertising: Website Custom Audiences

Website Custom Audiences In this video I want to show you how you can take advantage of a new targeting feature in Facebook called website custom audiences. Check out the short video below. Facebook Advertising: Using a Facebook custom audience can be crucial to the success of your advertising campaign. The more targeted and refined [...]

2016-10-26T16:05:42-05:00February 4th, 2014|Facebook Marketing|6 Comments

Facebook Marketing Tips: How to get higher engagement.

In this video I want to give you some Facebook marketing tips. How can you increase your engagement, get more sales, and leads using Facebook marketing. Facebook Marketing Tips: You may have heard that there is a new Facebook algorithm in town. It's true, not too long ago Facebook made some changes to the way [...]

2016-10-26T16:16:59-05:00January 17th, 2014|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments

Facebook Marketing: Connect Facebook to Twitter

In this video I show you how to connect Facebook to Twitter so that when you're posting on your fan page your updates are posted directly to Twitter. This is a good thing to do if you are trying to get a following on both platforms. Connect Facebook to Twitter: You may be wondering why [...]

2016-10-26T16:17:18-05:00January 13th, 2014|Facebook Marketing, Twitter Marketing|0 Comments
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