Did Ray Higdon Just Say: The 2 Most Influential Women Online?

I am proud to call Ray Higdon a GREAT friend and business partner. If you have not checked him out yet, which if you have been hiding under a rock then maybe you have not heard of him, I do want to encourage you to do so. There are very few people I follow in this industry and Ray Higdon is one I can say I enjoy following and working with. You see I am very picky about who I want to spend time learning from. I like guys who get to the point fast and avoid all the fluff. Ray Higdon is one of them.

2012-02-26T21:52:53-06:00January 17th, 2012|Blog Post|1 Comment

Teaching Your Leaders to Lead

Teaching Your Leaders to Lead One of the biggest mistakes I see many leaders make is not empowering their up and coming leaders to take on leadership roles.  Maybe it's because they are "afraid" to give up the reins or maybe it's just not wanting to take the time to train them.   Whatever [...]

2012-02-26T21:52:06-06:00January 8th, 2012|Blog Post|4 Comments

How to Overcome Challenges & Our Personal Story

Imagine for a moment you are high on life because you have just received some amazing news. You continue to ride the high for about 3 months till one day, one very moment, the rug gets pulled out from under you. You are sick from the news, you feel as if it's all a joke. You feel as if the last 3 months were just a dream you were living and now you feel embarrassed by sharing the news with so many around you.

2012-02-26T21:30:02-06:00January 7th, 2012|Blog Post|36 Comments

Digi Article Blaster

Okay Michelle, so it's a must have Wordpress plug-in, but why? Well, with just a push of a button you can get over 150 backlinks for every post you make to your blog. No more manually creating backlinks on your own by commenting on other blogs, creating spun articles and submitting them to article directories and so on.... Ugh...time consuming. I don't know about you but I'm all about saving a ton of time and Digi Article Blaster can help you do just that.

2012-02-26T22:00:12-06:00January 3rd, 2012|Blog Post|5 Comments

Goals for 2012

Wow, 2011 flew by and it was my first full year as an Entrepreneur. We have accomplished so much in 2011 and quite frankly crushed it beyond belief. In this post I want to share with you what we have accomplished and what we have planned for 2012.

2012-02-26T21:47:47-06:00January 1st, 2012|Blog Post|8 Comments

The A-Team by Todd Falcone Accountability Coaching Program

Bill and I are joining the 1st quarter A-Team by Todd Falcone and we want you there! Do you want to unlock your true potential that will move you towards massive action and guaranteed results? Seriously, it's a simple process that anyone can follow to adopt successful habits and rid yourself of procrastination. You can easily learn the habits & strategies that are necessary for you to become successful as a business owner / entrepreneur. Plus, you can achieve this success in just 12 short weeks with us and of course Todd Falcone.

2012-02-26T21:46:18-06:00December 29th, 2011|Blog Post|3 Comments


So maybe you have heard that content syndication is key to getting your content on the first page of the most popular search engines. But, where do you begin. I am about to reveal to you a very easy program that put your content on steroids when it comes to content syndication.

2012-02-26T20:51:46-06:00December 16th, 2011|Blog Post|10 Comments
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