Ray Higdon

Ray Higdon













Yes Ray Higdon did just say it in his recent blog post:

The 2 Most Influential Women Online

I am proud to call Ray Higdon a GREAT friend and business partner.  If you have not checked him out yet, which if you have been hiding under a rock then maybe you have not heard of him, I do want to encourage you to do so.

There are very few people I follow in this industry and Ray Higdon is one I can say I enjoy following and working with.  You see I am very picky about who I want to spend time learning from.  I like guys who get to the point fast and avoid all the fluff. Ray Higdon is one of them.

It wasn’t but about 10 months ago when I first heard of Ray Higdon.  I was sitting in the audience at No Excuses II when an unknown man in my eyes walked up on stage and spoke. His powerful voice and passion for telling a story impacted me that day.  I knew at that very moment this was a guy I wanted to get to know better.  In fact part of his story made me cry and I was so moved by his speech, I knew that I was going to have to track him down.

That afternoon I saw Ray Higdon in the hallway and introduced myself.  He was kind, genuine, and the kind of person I knew I wanted to get to know better.

I had no idea at the time of that event that I would be working daily with Ray Higdon in Numis Network.  Why did I choose Ray Higdon?  Let’s just put it this way….I had choices and I interviewed those choices but what resonated the most with me about Ray was he led they way I led my own team.

We both are very passionate about what we do, positive, workhorses, we are genuine, we are touchable, and we truly care about our team.  That spoke volumes to me and I knew that working with someone like Ray Higdon would only benefit my career and direction in my business.  It’s all about leveraging and that’s why I chose to partner with Ray.

But….the reason why I am writing this post is to share with you my thoughts on Ray Higdon and his thoughts on me.  If you haven’t taken a look yet, read his most recent post here:

The 2 Most Influential Women Online by Ray Higdon

Because of who I am, I feel Ray Higdon deserves to be spotlighted here on our blog.  If you haven’t checked him out do so. You also deserve to hear his story just as I did 10 months ago and now is your chance.

Let me make it simple for you.  Only 5 seconds is all you need.  Go HERE and click “like” on Ray Higdon and don’t forget myself if you haven’t already.  It’s a great way for you to help us get up on the stage at NES III coming up in Las Vegas.

There are many others on the ballot too like, my good friend Todd Falcone, probably my most favorite lady marketer Diane Hochman, my very first mentor Mark Hoverson, the awesome MLSP guys, and many many more.

Be sure to vote for all the speakers you love and have helped you in some way.

Leave a comment below and tell me who has been influential in your career thus far.





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