Attraction Marketing System

Attraction Marketing System that Works Attraction marketing is not a new concept, it is an old strategy of selling. In the past sales people had to attended trade shows, meetings, cold calling, old method of door to door selling and their strategies were all based totally on attraction marketing. Essentially your personality sold [...]

2016-10-27T09:59:28-05:00February 23rd, 2012|Attraction Marketing|2 Comments

No Excuses Summit 3 Final Bonus Update

No Excuses Summit 3 Final Bonus Update Get your No Excuses Summit 3 tickets through the link below and you will receive the following bonuses from Michelle & Bill Pescosolido: No Excuses Summit 3 - Buy HERE Bonus #1 – Each No Excuses Summit 3 VIP ticket gets  you to our 1 day private mastermind event with Bill [...]

2012-02-29T10:18:53-06:00February 20th, 2012|Blog Post|2 Comments

Make Money Blogging

                  So You Want to Make Money Blogging? Seems pretty easy right?  Just get yourself a blog and post valuable content everyday and as long as you have an offer on your blog you are positioned well to make money blogging.  Wrong.... I actually went [...]

2016-10-27T09:59:55-05:00February 17th, 2012|Blogging|12 Comments

Anthony Morrison Review

Anthony Morrison - A Closer Look Tel me you have seen Anthony Morrison Advertising Profits infomercial? Everyone has seen him right? It's all about 30 minutes of pure razzle dazzle... "You can be rich like me, I've made millions, and my dad's made millions of dollars it's your turn now! For only $39.95+ postage and [...]

2012-02-26T17:25:30-06:00February 16th, 2012|Blog Post|0 Comments

No Excuses Summit III

    No Excuses Summit III The No Excuses Summit III annual event, which started in 2010, has transformed so many lives throughout the home based business industry. This event has brought business owners more success than they ever imagined possible. This year and in past years on stage there has been a collection of [...]

2012-02-26T21:29:28-06:00February 15th, 2012|Blog Post|0 Comments

No Excuses III

No Excuses III is the EPIC Internet / Network Marketing event of the year. Many wait patiently each year for the biggest, baddest Internet / Network Marketing. Well wait no longer on April 20 to 22, 2012 No Excuses III will be held at the Cosmopolitan Las Vegas a 3.9 billion luxury hotel and casino.

2012-02-26T21:13:27-06:00February 6th, 2012|Blog Post|4 Comments

What is Empire Avenue & Can it Help Promote Your Brand?

Empire Avenue is a game platform where you earn virtual currency for being social. In a nutshell the more social you are, the more virtual currency you will earn and the bigger your Empire will become. You can use your virtual currency to invest in people and brands on the Empire Avenue social stock market, reward people for engaging with your content, buy luxury items that show off your virtual wealth, and a whole lot more.

2012-02-26T21:37:08-06:00February 4th, 2012|Blog Post|7 Comments

A Guide to Facebook Best Practices

So, you have a Facebook Fan Page or you are thinking about creating one, but you are wondering what are the Facebook best practices when it's comes to building your business on Facebook. While there aren't any hard core rules there are some general best practices that any business should be aware of. Bottom line is you will have to test and analyze your own results to determine what works best for your business.

2016-10-27T10:07:58-05:00February 2nd, 2012|Facebook Marketing|16 Comments

8 Common Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs

I am often asked, "Michelle, what are the common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, as in yourself?" I usually can spill out words like drive, passion, work ethic, energy, excitement, etc.... Though, my list is never the same nor is it always the same. Therefore, when I heard this list, I immediately perked up and thought to myself that this is something worth sharing with our readers.

2012-02-26T21:11:34-06:00February 1st, 2012|Blog Post|3 Comments

Maximum Leverage Daegan Smith Affilate Program

All I can say is WOW. I had know idea what a treat I was going to be in for when I found Daegan Smith. I joined his affiliate program thinking, why not, it's free. Then I started to receive email swipes from Daegan giving me the exactly what I needed to promote to my list. Daegan makes being an affiliate of his Maximum Leverage program fun and easy.

2016-10-27T10:08:17-05:00January 30th, 2012|Affiliate Marketing:|2 Comments

Should You or Should You Not Quit Network Marketing

Most people get excited when they start a new business in network marketing. They are excited, learning quickly, and riding the momentum. In fact you might even sponsor quite a few from your warm market in the beginning and you feel like a rockstar. But then....time passes and you hit a dip. A dip according to a book I was just reading from Seth Godin is the passage between beginner's luck and real accomplishment. So why do most people not make it through dip and find themselves wanting to quit network marketing?

2016-10-27T10:08:33-05:00January 29th, 2012|Network Marketing|0 Comments

Cash Control Is Now "Reopened." But Only 150 NEW Seats

This morning Andrew Cash opened up 150 more seats and now we are 1/2 way there. Half of those seats for the upcoming Cash Control For Networkers are gone. Once they are gone Andrew shuts it down. What I do know for sure is on Tuesday at noon EST Andrew is shutting it down forever even if all the 150 seats are not taken, but I can tell you this I highly doubt they will go unsold.

2012-02-26T21:46:56-06:00January 23rd, 2012|Blog Post|0 Comments

Do You Trust Your Mentor?

My success came fast because bottom line I followed exactly the steps my mentor laid down for me. Even the steps I tried to take on my own I consulted with my mentor and yes.... I had to swallow my pride many times. I had to bite my tongue and listen closely to what my mentor recommended.

2016-11-28T12:33:58-06:00January 22nd, 2012|Blog Post|8 Comments

16 Reasons to Vote for Me as a No Excuses Summit Speaker

Right now you may of heard after Ray Higdon plastered the news everywhere that he is in first place for the voting contest for who is going to speak at No Excuses III. While I love Ray Higdon, work with Ray Higdon, hang with Ray Higdon, play craps with Ray Higdon, taught him how to play craps, nothing would be better than a little heat put on his efforts. Especially after he attacked my last name in his recent post. Truth be told Ray has trouble pronouncing words with too many vowels.

2012-02-26T21:28:59-06:00January 21st, 2012|Blog Post|6 Comments
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