Turning Negatives Into Positives

Turning Negatives Into Positives Day 7 in my video series almost didn't happen until I remembered how important it is for success to turn your negatives into positives. While I was having a gloomy day, I kept plowing through the day. It's okay for everyone to have an off day from time to time the [...]

2016-11-30T11:48:54-06:00December 20th, 2012|Blog Post|3 Comments

Victim of Your Circumstances

Are You a Victim of Your Circumstances There are circumstances around you and there are circumstances you are a part of, my question to you is are you a victim of your circumstances? First let me define what I mean by victim of your circumstances.  Simply put someone who allows their own circumstances or the circumstances [...]

2016-11-30T11:50:07-06:00December 19th, 2012|Blog Post|0 Comments

Video Marketing for Your Business

Video Marketing for Your Business Here we are on day 5 of my video marketing series.  Interesting thing has happened during the course of making these videos.  I thought you might like to hear about it today. You see I lost this bet and my intentions were just to deliver value to you each day [...]

Shooting in Connecticut

Shooting in Connecticut Well for those of you that don't know I am just beginning a 30 day video series as a result of a bet I lost and in light of the shooting  in Connecticut I didn't have it in me to talk business today. I am saddened, sickened, wondering what the world is [...]

2016-11-30T11:34:10-06:00December 14th, 2012|Blog Post|8 Comments

Why All The Haters

Why All the Haters - 30 Day Video Challenge, Day 1 I am baffled and saddened by all the haters in our society.  I witness it first hand and just recently witnessed it at the Houston Texans vs. New England Patriots game.  I discuss this in the video below and discuss how to overcome haters [...]

2016-11-30T11:36:48-06:00December 12th, 2012|Blog Post|16 Comments

Video Marketing Content Ideas

Video Marketing Content Ideas In today's post I want to help those struggling with video marketing content.  Video marketing can be a great way to brand yourself online and a great way to generate leads online. Right now with all the buzz around Google's latest updates, ranking videos has actually become a much easier process [...]

Powerful Wealth Insights by Ray Higdon

Powerful Wealth Insights by Ray Higdon Lately I have noticed a big trend between the successful and non successful people in our industry.  I think the #1 reason that separates winners from the losers is the mindset. I find that non successful people in our industry are simply unknowingly self sabotaging themselves with excuses, hangups, [...]

2012-12-10T13:44:09-06:00December 10th, 2012|Blog Post|0 Comments

Socializing For Profits

Socializing For Profits If YOU have ANY interest what-so-ever in making 6 figures online and pulling in tons of leads on Facebook, while living the “4 Hour Work Week” then you absolutely want to watch the below webinar. The traffic that flows through Facebook each and everyday, never mind each month, is STAGGERING!! However very [...]

2012-12-03T23:25:36-06:00December 3rd, 2012|Blog Post|2 Comments
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