Facebook Power Editor, Custom Audiences.

In today's video I will go over custom audiences within the Facebook Power Editor. Using custom audiences can help you further define your target market, and increase your ROI within your ad campaigns. How to make the most of the Facebook power editor. When using the Facebook power editor you can import custom audiences into [...]

2016-12-13T21:25:59-06:00October 14th, 2013|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments

Facebook Conversion Tracking. How to measure your ROI.

In this video I will walk you through how to set up proper Facebook conversion tracking. If you want to measure the ROI of your Facebook advertising campaigns for ads that direct traffic outside of Facebook then this video is for you! Why Facebook conversion tracking is crucial: When creating multiple ads in Facebook and [...]

2016-12-13T21:26:52-06:00October 12th, 2013|Facebook Marketing|3 Comments

Facebook Advertising.. Partner Categories.

In this Facebook advertising video I will walk you through the power editor and discuss how you can target a custom audience via partner categories. Partner categories are a great way to refine your targeting. Check out the video below: When using the partner categories in your Facebook advertising strategy make sure to go through [...]

2016-12-13T20:59:17-06:00October 11th, 2013|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments

Live The Dreamv 4. Why you should attend live events.

In this video Bill talks about live events. Why you should attend them and how they can help grow your business. You should consider attending Live the Dream 4 by MLSP in November. Live the Dream 4 by MLSP: You can greatly increase your value and your income by attending live events. The upcoming MLSP [...]

2016-12-13T21:00:14-06:00October 9th, 2013|Blog Post|0 Comments

Elevation Income

Elevation Income - Video 1 Released Ok... this Elevation income project is one of the coolest "projects" I've ever seen... It's pretty obvious that the big-shot bankers on Wall Street have been getting richer and richer since the 2008 economic crisis, while your friends and family members haven't. Well this really ticked-off my entrepreneur friend [...]

2013-10-07T12:11:03-05:00October 7th, 2013|Blog Post|3 Comments

Internet Marketing Success. Committing to your success.

Today I want to talk about internet marketing success, how to increase you chances for success by attending live events. Attending live events is crucial. If you want to increase your chances of internet marketing success you need to get to Live The Dream 4 by MLSP. Bill and I will be having an 8 [...]

2016-12-13T21:01:27-06:00October 6th, 2013|Internet Marketing|1 Comment

Facebook Status Updates.. What you should know.

In today's video I want to talk about Facebook status updates: Sometimes it can be easy to forget who's watching, but always remember you've got your brand on the line when you post your Facebook status updates! So as you can see from the video, posting Facebook status updates that show your best side is [...]

2016-12-13T20:48:15-06:00September 23rd, 2013|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments
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