Shelley Hobbs


Get Moving Fast Like Shelley Hobbs!

About 6 weeks ago Shelley Hobbs contacted me looking for a mentor.  I remember the conversation well.  I first received an email from her with a subject line that read: I want to work with you!

She started out by introducing herself and telling me about her family plus, what she was up to currently.  Then in the next paragraph she went on to tell me about her struggles and how she was basically just learning what not to do.  Btw…loved this part because little did she know at the time, this was good for her to go through this. I felt it set an good example of how she should be as a leader.  Good stuff!

Anyways….she went on in the next paragraph telling me how she took a look at MLSP (the system I use to build our business) and she just kept going back and forth looking for the perfect system.  She just wasn’t sure about MLSP.

Then her next paragraph which I just love….she talked about how she is a marketing gal and clearly you can see that in her video above, but not a techie gal.  She still gave it her best shot she said.  ( Love the effort! )  But, the cool part of her paragraph  was that her “super sweet husband” she stated, was helping her with all the technical stuff.  Again….I was loving this girl already!

Plus, she is a Type A personality, hmmm maybe that’s the type of personality trait that makes one successful in our industry.  Well, I will get to that in a moment.  She realized during the course of trying to do things on her own and then allowing her husband to help, that maybe she really needed to surround herself with like minded people and a mentor.

That’s when she found me on the leader boards at MLSP.  She watched me and studied what I did first, before contacting me, she said and the more she watched the more she realized how she loved my style. (Notice how she found someone she relate too and I had something she wanted)

That’s when she summed it up:

“I am looking for a mentor I can partner with, someone I can learn from, and learn with, and create with together. I am also looking for someone that is a parent, more specifically, a mother. Being a parent and especially a mom can be incredibly challenging, so I want to empower other moms to know they can be a financial contributor to their families lives in ways that will create the ultimate lifestyle and opportunities.”

Now the reason why I am posting this is because I am proud of her.  Plus, I really want people to see the type of behavior, work ethic, energy, passion, drive, and hard work it takes to get on the fast track.  I honestly feel too many people want success REALLY bad but they aren’t willing to focus and put in the effort.  They give up after a month or two and move on to the next failed attempt.  Obstacles in our industry are always going to be there, but it’s up to you to overcome them and move past them.  I  something in Shelley that many people don’t quite get and I tend to bang my head against the wall when people make this more complicated than it has to be.  (Sorry just being brutally honest here)

So, what did Shelley do so differently to have success so quickly?

1. She realized is boils down to 3 things as she states in her video (system, mentor, blueprint) Keep is freaking simple!

2. She is all out determined and you can hear that determination plus the energy come out through her voice.  I can feel it just as she speaks!  There is something attractive about a person who can speak so passionately to someone and cause you to actually feel it too.

3. Her energy is contagious.

4. MOST IMPORTANT – She trusted in me, her mentor, no matter what

I have watched Shelley over the past 6 weeks take exactly what I tell her to do and implement it.  No questions asked, no excuses were made, she just did it.  You refused to let anything distract her from the course I put her on.

If you want massive success fast, then get REAL and HONEST with yourself.  Are you really doing exactly what your mentor is telling you to do?  If you signed up to be mentored then do what Shelley did, take down the walls, take constructive criticism, and take massive action.

Everyone give Shelley a virtual HIGH FIVE and please check out her fanpage to give her some love.  Get to know her, pick her brain, you might be surprised what you can learn from her.

Well done!

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