Live The Dream 2


Wow! My wife Michelle and I just got back from the MLSP Live The Dream 2 event in Disney World. For those of you that are not familiar this is an annual event hosted by the founders of MyLeadSystemPro and it is geared towards people in the network marketing and home based business industries. The Live The Dream 2 event itself was approximately two days but Michelle and I were there from Thursday –Tuesday.

I can’t praise the Live The Dream 2 event enough. On Saturday and Sunday the days were filled with some of the top 6 & 7 figure earners from the Network Marketing industry. Their experience and knowledge was enormous and their presentations were packed with extremely valuable content. I often found myself frantically writing notes wishing that the speaker would slow down only so I could finish jotting down my thoughts.  The speakers’ presentations ranged from humorous to intense to relaxing, but no matter who was speaking there was always a straight forward, no-nonsense approach that left the listeners (including myself) excited to start immediately implementing the new tips and strategies that they learned.

Another great aspect to the Live The Dream 2 conference was the post conference networking opportunities each evening. You may think that the entire value of the conference is contained within the hours of the daily conference; however that is only part of it. Each evening there were many opportunities for everyone from the speakers to the newest MLSP member to get together, have a few drinks and network. The great thing about these evening networking opportunities is that the mood is relaxed and very loose so it gives you the chance to pick the brains of the top leaders and really learn some little known strategies or “secrets” that you otherwise wouldn’t be privy to.

The final component of the Live The Dream 2 long weekend event was an exclusive mastermind workshop held on Monday. The day was limited to approximately 40 MLSP members who had upgraded their ticket with the specific intent to get hands on training from the speakers at the event. I was very impressed with the workshop and I was able to sit down and get 1 on 1, hands on training from some of highest paid and most respected leaders in the network marketing industry. I walked away with several pages of notes containing tips and strategies on how to increase my brand, improve my blog, and recruit more people into my business. It was a very useful day and just another sign that the MLSP leadership is doing everything they can to ensure that their members are receiving concrete, specific and pertinent  value for those who are seeking it out.

In conclusion, I would like to give a special shout out to the MLSP founders Brian Fanale, Norbert Orlewicz, and Todd Schlomer. The Live The Dream 2 event was top notch from start to finish as it was packed with entertaining and knowledgeable speakers and filled with plenty of opportunities to take advantage of all they have to offer. Three of the biggest things I am taking away from the event are first: invest in yourself. All of the speakers still to this day hire personal coaches or take advantage of their colleagues’ products or services. Becoming a humble student and soaking up as much information and training as you can is how these leaders got to where they are today. Secondly: do not assume or pre-judge. You have no idea how anyone feels about your opportunity until you ask. Don’t make the decision for them, allow them to make the decision and tell you. And third and finally, attend events such as these. The knowledge you will receive and the connections you will make will catapult your business to levels you would otherwise not attain. So invest in yourself, don’t ever assume, and come to events such as Live The Dream 2 and you will be able to change your life.

Live The Dream 2 Recap TONIGHT!! If you missed the Live Event don’t miss this webinar!! You’ve got to get a real FEELING for what this event and MLSP are all about. Come listen to hand experiences and takeaway!! If you were at the event you should still come listen, re-live and share. Its’s going to be a blast!!

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