About Bill Pescosolido

Bill Pescosolido is a Certified Content Marketing Specialist and is in charge of the content and email marketing for Pescosolido Marketing LLC. Prior to joining his wife Michelle in their digital marketing business Bill spent 16 years in Corporate America in sales and consulting roles.

Prospecting: How to call your MLM leads.

In this video I want to talk about MLM prospecting, and most importantly how to call your MLM leads when prospecting. Prospecting: How to Call Your MLM Leads! Do you ever find yourself drawing a complete blank on what to say when you call your leads? Have you ever been so nervous or afraid that you [...]

Facebook Marketing Tips: How to get higher engagement.

In this video I want to give you some Facebook marketing tips. How can you increase your engagement, get more sales, and leads using Facebook marketing. Facebook Marketing Tips: You may have heard that there is a new Facebook algorithm in town. It's true, not too long ago Facebook made some changes to the way [...]

2016-10-26T16:16:59-05:00January 17th, 2014|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments

Facebook Marketing: Connect Facebook to Twitter

In this video I show you how to connect Facebook to Twitter so that when you're posting on your fan page your updates are posted directly to Twitter. This is a good thing to do if you are trying to get a following on both platforms. Connect Facebook to Twitter: You may be wondering why [...]

2016-10-26T16:17:18-05:00January 13th, 2014|Facebook Marketing, Twitter Marketing|0 Comments

Facebook Ads: Optimizing your images.

In this video I want to talk about how you can optimize your images when creating Facebook ads. When you're creating Facebook ads it's important to split test your campaigns. Facebook Ads: Image optimization When you are creating Facebook ads you're given the option to split test 6 different images. Some of the reasons you [...]

2016-12-13T21:53:11-06:00January 6th, 2014|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments

Facebook Ads Support: How to email the support team.

In this video I will discuss how you can get in contact with Facebook Ads support. If you've ever wondered why some of your ads are getting disapproved when you've followed guidelines then this video is for you. Facebook Ads Support: Sometimes you may notice that your ads can be getting disapproved automatically within minutes [...]

2016-12-13T21:54:42-06:00December 26th, 2013|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments

Facebook Custom Audience: How to create highly targeted ads.

In this video I will show you how to use the Facebook custom audience feature and create ads that are highly targeted. This is a great way to target a list you have already built or that you have purchased. Facebook Custom Audience: Imagine being able to create a highly targeted ad from a list [...]

2016-12-13T21:55:32-06:00December 24th, 2013|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments

Facebook Ads Manager: How to add someone as an admin.

In this video I will discuss how to use the Facebook ads manager and also how to grant access to someone so that they can create ads on your behalf. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDsidVIFJkg Facebook Ads Manager: So one day you might find that you want to grant access to your Facebook advertising account to a third [...]

2018-05-09T16:52:13-05:00December 23rd, 2013|Facebook Marketing|1 Comment

Facebook Business Page: Why you need one.

In this video I want to talk about the importance of having a Facebook business page. Why you should invest in create a business page to build your online empire. Facebook Business Page: Often times I see people promoting themselves and their business on Facebook using their personal profile. I advise against this because there [...]

2016-12-13T21:46:25-06:00December 9th, 2013|Facebook Marketing|2 Comments

MLM Prospecting: How to be an active listener.

In this MLM Prospecting video Bill discusses why you should be an active listener and how to engage your prospects on the phone. Check out the video below! MLM Prospecting: Why listening is important. When you're in the middle of MLM prospecting it's very important that you listen to what your prospects concern is. Make [...]

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