In today’s video Bill talks about MLM prospecting. How to keep control of the conversation, and engage your prospect in a conversation about themselves. It’s important to keep your posture during the conversation.

MLM Prospecting:

When you’re engaging in MLM prospecting you want to make sure you’re in control of the conversation. You have to have posture when making calls, if your prospect is trying to control the questions you have to make sure you follow up a question with a question. Whoever ask’s the most questions is in control of the conversation. This is more important than you think, you are the leader, you are the one that was asked to call, remember your lead opted into YOUR capture page. They want to speak with YOU. Yes they’re going to have questions, and it’s ok to answer them AFTER you’ve gained control of the conversation.

Remember that when you’re in the process of MLM prospecting your call has to have an outcome. What is the purpose of your call? Your a problem solver so remember to ask probing questions and then solve those questions via whatever it is that you’re promoting. In our case we promote MLSP, which is the solution to 97% of the problems that face most struggling network marketers today.

You need to decide what works best when you’re MLM prospecting. Also, if you’re struggling for people to talk to about your business and you want to use THE EXACT SYSTEM that allows us to generate 40-80 LEADS PER DAY then you need to click HERE. 

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