Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups?

Who can see my posts when I post in Facebook Groups?  This was a very good question I received the other day on my Facebook Fan Page.

The story went like this:  Let’s call here Jane….  Jane is building her network marketing business using a strategy where she builds relationships & posts in various Facebook groups.  Like many she was doing this during her down time at her “corporate america” job.

Apparently Jane’s boss is her friend on Facebook and he was seeing all her posts she was making in the Facebook Groups she was a part of. Uh oh…..  Now her boss knows what she is up too and worse she was doing it during work hours.

How could this happen when he isn’t even a part of these groups?


Well in the below video I show the exact reason why.  I dive into the different types of groups, open, closed and secret and explain what that exactly means.  This video is a must see.


Facebook Groups

Please be sure to comment, like and share if you got value. I hope this helps you in understanding Facebook groups.

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