How to Download a Facebook Live Video From Facebook

As a marketer you probably are already aware that doing Facebook lives is a great strategy to increase your brand awareness.

However sometimes the Facebook live itself doesn’t get as much reach as you would have hoped for.

With that being said you might be thinking what additional strategies could you implement to get more reach?

Today I am going to give you a few suggestions to get more reach with your Facebook lives.

  1. Share your Facebook live from your page to a group that you admin.
  2. Email your list with a notification giving the link to your Facebook live.
  3. Share to your Facebook personal profile if you also have business friends on your personal page you want to reach.
  4. Run a Facebook ad by targeting a specific audience who would be interested in your live or target your fans.
  5. Download a Facebook live from your page and repurpose that content.

So let me go a little further into suggestion number 5, download a Facebook live.

When you choose to download your Facebook live from your page, you can then upload that video to YouTube, Vimeo or other video hosting sites you use.

Secondly, a great way to repurpose, is to put your video into a blog post.  As you can see below we have a video embedded in this post which is actually a “how to video” on how to download a Facebook live from Facebook.

Check out the how to steps below:

Once you embed your Facebook live onto a blog post you will then want to write at least 300 – 400 words around the video for optimization purposes.

We recommend after the post is published that you share to other social media sites using the sharing buttons on your blog.

Then finally don’t forget to notify your list of your brand new blog post you just published.

These are just a few great tips for repurposing your Facebook lives.  If you got value from this be sure to share this post on social media using the icons on this page.


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