Getting Blog Traffic

Every day a huge number of men and women start up a new blog nevertheless they do not end up sticking with it simply because they're not getting the traffic that they want instantly. The issue is that the majority of people when starting a blog don't actually know how to market it properly, because if they did they would find many people who would would like reading their blog on a daily basis.

2016-10-27T10:12:57-05:00November 27th, 2011|Blogging|29 Comments

SEO Networker 3.0

A little SEO bird told us that Ferny & Ray are reopening SEO Networker 3.0… but only briefly. They plan on doing this starting this coming Monday (the 28th) at noon PST but it will only be for 36 hours. Yep, this will last only until 11:59 PM PST the following day, Tuesday (the 29th).

2016-10-27T10:13:09-05:00November 26th, 2011|Blogging|2 Comments

Todd Falcone Insider Secrets to Recruiting Professionals

Bill & I have gotten to know Todd Falcone quit well over the past year. More than just getting to know Todd, we have become great friends. Just recently we had a pow-wow session together where he interviewed me for his Diva series. Not only was that humbling for me but he has agreed to join me on our next webinar training next week.

2016-10-27T10:13:43-05:00November 18th, 2011|Prospecting and Recruiting|2 Comments

Home Network Marketing

With today's job layoffs and paycuts many individuals are looking for a way to work from home. Not only layoffs and paycuts you will find people just trying to get out of the rat race or maybe they are just scared they will be replaced by someone who will work for half of what they are being paid.

2016-10-27T10:15:12-05:00November 17th, 2011|Network Marketing|4 Comments


Back in the day when you posted a status update on your Facebook Fanpage your fans saw it in their news feed. Yes, it was that easy. Now...sorry to say for many Facebook Fanpage owners we all now have to compete and over come Facebook's EdgeRank formula.

2012-02-26T20:45:35-06:00November 14th, 2011|Blog Post|32 Comments

Todd Falcone

Most and I do mean MOST people who get started in network marketing have at least some fear or anxiety related to prospecting. One of the biggest reasons for that is that they simply don’t know WHAT to say or HOW to say it!

2011-11-13T17:26:03-06:00November 13th, 2011|Blog Post|4 Comments

SEO Networker 3.0 – Traffic

Are you traffic starved? Odds are, you are just like I use to be. Not too mention thousands of other people are too. But, even though I use to be traffic starved, Ray and Ferny at SEO Networker 3.0, called me out the other weekend and said I don't know squat about traffic.

2016-10-27T10:22:05-05:00November 12th, 2011|Blogging|0 Comments

Market On Facebook

So, I'm cruising through Facebook this evening, completing my daily strategies that I do everyday and I ran across a few "no no's" that were happening on Facebook. So, it got me thinking that maybe it's time to write a short post on how to market on Facebook. I won't be covering it all since that would take me at least 8 hours but, I am going to point out a few ways you should and should not market on Facebook with examples I found today.

2016-10-27T10:23:37-05:00November 7th, 2011|Facebook Marketing|12 Comments

SEO Networker 3.0

Wow, it's been such a whirl wind of a year not only for our business but also for many when it comes to getting traffic. This has been the number one struggle in our industry. The number one issue we hear from our students who come to us for help is "I need traffic!"

2016-10-27T10:23:48-05:00November 7th, 2011|Blogging|2 Comments
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