About Michelle Pescosolido

Michelle has been in the home based industry since 2010 where she has built multiple 6 figure businesses online and in 2015 a 7 figure business. Her and her husband are now top affiliate marketers and specialize in Facebook marketing. They both are speakers and trainers who focus on helping entrepreneurs turn their passion into a money making business.

YouTube Marketing

YouTube Marketing for Business While YouTube is a popular social media platform, it’s barely used for marketing purposes when you compare it to other platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. YouTube has continued to rise in popularity over the past few years, especially since it’s not just for laptops anymore. You can now access YouTube [...]

2019-10-11T15:13:01-05:00March 21st, 2018|YouTube|1 Comment

Marketing Tips For Businesses With Digital Products

Marketing Tips For Businesses With Digital Products For many businesses with digital products, selling those products is typically easier than physical items. You don’t need storage space for inventory, you don’t need to make trips to the post office, you don’t need to hire someone to ship out physical products. One of the main downsides [...]

2019-10-11T14:40:20-05:00February 26th, 2018|Marketing|0 Comments

Best Times To Post On Social Media

Best Times to Post on Social Media Most of us are on social media posting every day. Whether it be on Facebook or Instagram, did you know that there are specific posting times that have been proven to get more engagement? Especially with Instagram and Facebook’s new algorithms, it’s now more important than ever to [...]

2019-10-11T15:19:17-05:00February 20th, 2018|Content Marketing|0 Comments

5 Tips To Create A Rockstar Personal Brand

5 Tips To Create A Rockstar Personal Brand   Imagine for a second that you have... An abundance of red hot leads flowing into your business daily New customers or distributors who join your business without any friction whatsoever Sales and commissions being deposited into your bank account like clockwork Sound like a pipe dream [...]

2019-10-11T15:21:11-05:00February 17th, 2018|Brand Building|0 Comments

Scheduling Instagram Posts

Scheduling Instagram Posts: The Benefits + 5 Services to Help  If you want to have a successful business using Instagram as your marketing platform, then posting daily is a must. Instagram allows you to reach more potential customers that may not be Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc... In fact, Instagram has over 500 million active users. [...]

2018-02-07T14:12:50-06:00February 7th, 2018|Instagram Marketing|0 Comments

Instagram Pods

Instagram Pods - What Are They And Should YOU Be In One? Instagram users are fighting back... are you part of the "Instagram pods" trend? There's a new trend percolating amongst Instagram users as a way to combat against the new Instagram algorithm change. They're called... Instagram pods. But before we dive into what Instagram [...]

2018-01-29T16:47:32-06:00January 25th, 2018|Instagram Marketing|0 Comments

Instagram Contests

Instagram Contests If you are active on Instagram, you might have noticed that many social media influencers, small businesses, and content creators create Instagram contests regularly. Now some people think that the reason Instagram contests exist is so the person can give back to their following.  While this is certainly a reason why they do [...]

2018-08-27T23:57:28-05:00January 9th, 2018|Instagram Marketing|0 Comments

Best Phone Apps to Edit Instagram Photos

10 of the Best Phone Apps to Edit Instagram Photos If you have an Instagram account, you’ll know that the platform revolves around photos. There are over 700 million active users on Instagram and over 70% if businesses are using Instagram to grow their following. If you want to grow your brand and social media following, [...]

2018-08-27T23:36:08-05:00January 5th, 2018|Instagram Marketing|0 Comments

Dynamic Creative Facebook Ads

Dynamic Creative Facebook Ads  [Editors Note: Dynamic Creative Facebook Ads are still being rolled out to advertisers as of writing this post] Thanks to Facebook's newly released dynamic creative Facebook ads... ... marketers can now create multiple ad combinations in just one ad. Yup, you heard that right! You can now have several variations (image, [...]

2019-10-11T15:33:15-05:00October 18th, 2017|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments
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