Content Marketing Strategy: 3 Keys Nobody Is Telling You

When implementing a content marketing strategy for your business, the first thing you have to ask yourself is… why are you creating content?
Your content has to serve a purpose for your audience by addressing a pain that they’re experiencing and then providing a solution to that pain.
Understanding the importance behind why you’re creating content will make creating a content marketing strategy even easier.
Once you understand the 3 Keys To Content Marketing you’ll be well on your way towards successfully creating a profitable content marketing strategy for your business.
The 3 Keys to Content Marketing:

The 3 Keys To Your Content Marketing Strategy
1.) Your Content Will Maintain A Healthy Email List:
When you create your own content and regularly email it to your email subscriber list then you’re proving value to your list.
As a result, this will keep your open rates and your click thru rates high thereby maintaining a healthy email list.
Remember, your subscribers joined your list to receive value from you, not to be pitched all of the time.
So by creating content and sharing it with your email list you are going a long way to keep your list happy and engaged.
The content you create could be educational, inspirational, or motivational and when you email it regularly to your list it not only provides value but it also helps to establish you as an authority.
2.) Your Content Will Sell Your Offer:
A good content marketing strategy will marry the value from your content and your offer together.
Consider this; you own the content and the offer, so why not blend them together?
There doesn’t have to be a huge wall between your offer and your content.
Your content should address a problem or a “pain” that your audience is experiencing and then your offer should be the solution to their problem.
Your content marketing strategy should always keep your audience’s pains and problems on the forefront and your offer should be the solution to those pains.
So if you understand how to lead the content back to an offer then you should be able to transition your audience from your content over to your offer.
3.) Your Content Is Key To Retargeting:
Retargeting is a marketing strategy that is used when someone visits your website or blog.
Basically you drop what’s called a “cookie” on them and now you can essentially follow them around the web and advertise to them thru other mediums other than just your website.
Retargeting is powerful because many times a person will visit your site, search around a little bit, and leave.
However, they wont necessarily “opt in” to your email list or click on any links to buy something.
When this happens you’re not able to make a conversion (either converting to a lead or a customer).
The reader has now come and gone.
While hopefully you were able to provide some value and increase your brand awareness, you neither gained a lead nor a new customer.
However, when you add Retargeting into your content marketing strategy you will definitely increase your conversions from the people that started by reading your content.
The combination of content and retargeting is very powerful because content is what we share around the web.
You can get a lot of traffic and engagement from your content but not necessarily a lot of conversions.
Retargeting allows you to take someone who was in your funnel and left and put them back into your funnel again.
Content Marketing Tips – Retargeting 101:
1. People visit your website or blog
2. They “check out” your website, read some content but leave your site without following through on your intended goal. (opt in, progress further into your funnel, make a purchase, etc)
3. Later on when browsing the internet i.e. Facebook etc. they see your ad because you’ve retargeted them.
4. Their interest is perked up a 2nd time and you’re able to bring the person back to your site or your offer.
Summing Up Your Content Marketing Strategy
So in conclusion, before you learn how to create content, you’ve got to know why you’re creating content.
Your content has to:
- Serve a purpose for your audience
- Address a problem or “pain” your audience is experiencing
- Provide an offer that solves that problem
- Lead your audience to that offer
The easiest way that I do this for my own content is to reverse engineer the process.
I first think about the action I want my audience to take. Next, I think about my product, service, or business and what type of solutions it provides to people.
Then I think about the types of “pains” that my audience would be experiencing and how specifically my product/service become the “pain pill” for their pain.
When you reverse engineer the content creation process you’ll find that creating content really isn’t as hard as you may think.
It’s all about understanding your audience’s pains and then providing value and solution to help them solve it.
Content Marketing Solutions:
For some really cool ideas and content marketing examples go to: “Content Marketing Tips”
You will learn how you can create KILLER content for your website as well!
Next Steps For Your Content Marketing Strategy
Now that you’ve read about the 3 keys to developing a content marketing strategy you’re ready to start creating content and implementing these tips I shared above.
So the ball is now in your court… time to get busy.
However, if you feel you’re still struggling with your content marketing strategy or you just simply don’t know how to create content then we’re here to help.
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