MLSP Leads

What Kind of Customer Are Your MLSP Leads

Understanding the profile of your MLSP Leads will result in better conversions for your business.  This is one of the most important skills you can develop in your network marketing business. The understanding help you fully understand what direction you need to move forward with your prospect. In fact most people spend way too much time / energy in figuring out how to generate  their very first set of MLSP leads that they fail to get the training needed to understand what type of customer their MLSP leads are.  You can generate leads all day long but if you don’t understand how to talk to your leads you won’t have a business.

So in the video below, my wonderful husband Bill Pescosolido, who is a master at recruiting is going to discuss the 3 different types of MLSP leads that you might encounter.

Understanding the 3 different profiles of your MLSP leads

1. A person that is brand new to network marketing that doesn’t yet have a primary business opportunity.

2. A person who currently has a primary opportunity but is struggling.

3. A person who has a primary opportunity that they love.

We hope you found value in this and stay tuned to this blog as Bill will be doing a series next on how to talk to your MLSP leads.  If you are not a part of MLSP yet and you want to generate upwards of 50 leads a day without having to chase around your warm market then click HERE and let us show you the exact system we have been using for the past 2 years that has resulted in a healthy 6 figure income.

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