7 Steps To Write The Perfect Email
Did you know that in today’s marketplace effective email marketing can be the difference between business success and failure?
And while email marketing is still the most appropriate place to make offers and share your awesome content…
… writing quality emails to your list can be down right difficult.
Furthermore, if you don’t know how to formulate your emails in a way that your readers will find appealing…
… you run the risk of annoying them to the point they unsubscribe from your list.
You wouldn’t want that, would you?
That’s why knowing how to write the perfect email to your email subscriber list is critical.
If you want to promote offers to your email list without coming across as a desperate, pitchy, marketer…
… this article will show you how in 7 simple steps.
As you keep reading this article you will discover how easy it can be to:
- Write great emails that captivate your readers
- Convert those readers into buyers
That is why you found this article, isn’t it?
Now that you’re ready to see how to write the perfect email, let’s dive in!
7 Steps To Write The Perfect Email
Okay, so there’s not necessarily a “perfect” email to send to your email list.
However, there is a “perfect formula” you can use to write great emails to your list that will convert.
I’ll go into more detail here in a sec but first, here’s the formula…
- Write the Subject Line (Direct or Blind)
- Write a “greased chute” Opening
- Write Body Copy (Direct or Blind?)
- Write a CTA Command
- Insert an Image
- Write a “Drill Down” P.S.
- Add and Ad
So now that you know the formula for how to write the perfect email, let’s move on to the specifics.
1.) Direct or Blind Subject Line
Learning how to write the perfect email to your list is one part Art and one part Science.
That said, it all starts with the email subject line.
I’ll get to the two different types of email subject lines in a second…
… but first it’s important that you know how crucial a good email subject line is.
One could argue that the email subject line is THE most important aspect of your email.
After all, if your reader chooses not to open your email due to a poor subject line…
… they’ll miss out on the awesome content or offer contained within your email.
Let’s dive into the two different types of email subject lines:
- Direct subject lines
- Blind subject lines
A direct subject line will tell you exactly what will be in the email if you open it up.
On the other hand, a blind subject line is more of a curiosity driven subject line.
It makes the person wonder what’s inside.
- Blind Subject Line Example: “This is embarrassing but…”
- Direct Subject Line Example: “7 Tips To Get Dirt Cheap Leads From Facebook”
See the difference?
The first question to ask yourself is…
Should I use a direct subject line or a blind subject line?
The answer is… you should mix it up.
If you want to write the perfect email…
… don’t always send direct and don’t always send blind (and err on the side of writing more direct subject lines).
More people will open with a blind subject line, but more people will click through on direct subject lines.
The flip side is, less people will open direct subject lines.
However, of the people who open up the direct subject line email…
… more of those people will click through to your CTA within the body of the email.
So it boils down to this: do you want a higher Open Rate or a higher Click Through Rate?
Blind subject lines tend to get higher Open Rates, while direct subject lines get higher Click Through Rates.
2.) Write A “Greased Chute” Opening
The 2nd step you’ll need to write the perfect email is a “greased chute” opening.
What I mean by write a “greased chute” opening is this…
You want your readers to be able to slide right into your email without any friction.
Therefore, the opening line of your email is the most important line of your email.
Because this is your opportunity to hook your reader.
One could argue the opening line is as important to your email as your subject line.
Here’s a great example of an opening line that hooks the reader and gets them to keep reading the email.
“I’m so excited about this utter and complete failure…”
This is a pattern interrupt that makes the reader curious.
Why would the author become excited about a failure?
Or how about this opening sentence…
“You and I are not that different…”
Your reader will want to know how the two of you are not that different and as a result keep reading to get the answer.
Remember, your goal is to pull your readers into your emails fast.
So be sure to spend enough time on your opening sentence to give it the necessary “teeth” to hook your reader right away.
[RELATED: To learn how to use open loops, inside jokes, and break up the paragraphs to improve the consumption of your emails CLICK HERE
3.) Decide If The Body Copy Is Blind Or Direct
Similar to your email subject line, you can have both blind or direct body copy.
Again, if you want to write the perfect email you’ll want to mix it up.
For example, if the subject line was direct its hard to be blind in the body copy.
How blind can your body copy be if your subject line is…
“7 dirt cheap ways to generate leads from Facebook”
You’ve already told them in the email subject line what the email is about.
When you write blind body copy you’ll get more clicks (because people will be curious)…
… but you’ll likely get a lower conversion rate on the landing page or the piece of content to which you’ve sent your readers.
With blind body copy, once you finally reveal what your talking about a lot of people will no longer be interested and hit the back button.
However, this is the nature of email marketing and it’s to be expected.
Remember, you can’t always run with blind body copy because you will frustrate your email subscribers.
Simply put, there’s a good chance they’ll become annoyed and mark your emails as spam.
If you want to write the perfect email that promotes an offer AND maintains good will with your email list…
… don’t overdue blind body copy.
[RELATED: Want to master email list building? Check out the one and only guide you’ll need HERE]
4.) CTA Command
Your CTA (Call To Action) is vital if you want your email subscribers to take the next step in the process.
At the end of every post you give a very clear command about what you want them to do next.
Here are two different examples of a typical CTA:
- “CLICK HERE to find out how…”
- “GO HERE NOW to read today’s blog post”
In addition to a text CTA at the end of your email, you can also sprinkle in CTA’s in different forms throughout the email.
Using a button CTA is a great way to attract your readers eye to your Call To Action.
Here are some examples of button CTA’s we’ve used in our emails:

This is the button CTA we used to promote a training webinar

We used this button CTA to promote our weekly Facebook Live

Another example of a button CTA. Notice the use of the 1st person in the call to action
Whether it’s a blog post, a webinar, or a product offer…
… mixing up the look and feel of your CTA’s can draw your reader’s eyes in and increase your conversions.
I also recommend testing different colors for your button CTA’s.
Depending on your CTA (a webinar, a blog post, an offer that expires soon, etc) some colors will work better than others.
Lastly, instead of always using a generic “CLICK HERE to get _____.”
You might experiment with a CTA in the 1st person such as…
“Yes! I want to get my hands on ______!”
In addition to button CTA’s you can also use an image CTA like the one below…

This image CTA was used to promote the replay of our weekly Facebook Live
As you’ll see here in a moment, people like to click on images.
Therefore, a great variation for you to try is an image Call To Action.
One of our favorite tools to use for CTA images (as well as all sorts of images for our marketing) is Canva.
Canva is easy to use and it comes with both free and premium options.
5.) Insert An Image (optional)
Inserting images into your emails will help increase both your email Click Through Rate (CTR) and your email Open Rate.
Because people tend to click on images.
According to Get Response…
“Emails that include some sort of graphics have a higher Open Rate (26.89%) and a higher Click-Through Rate (4.36%) than that of text-based emails.”
The key to this strategy is to not only insert an image…
… but link the image to the content.
Here’s an example of an image I used within an email to promote a newly published blog post.

Try using the Featured image of your blog post as the image within your email like we did with this image above.
However, don’t go overboard with images.
Just because you know how to add an image doesn’t mean you always should.
Make sure the images you add to your emails are relevant to whatever offer or content you’re promoting in that email.
6.) Write A Drill Down P.S.
The 6th step to writing the perfect email is to add a P.S. at the bottom of your email.
You don’t always have to do a drill down P.S. but you’ll get a lot of clicks if you do.
Simply put, people like a P.S. for it adds a personal “feel” to your email.
Also, certain people might only skim your email with the intent to look for the P.S. in an effort to save time.
So depending on the particular style of your readers…
… the P.S. might be the only part of your email they read!
A simple strategy for your P.S. is to get really specific about something in the article that is really cool.
For example, what is the one big thing they should really pay attention to and check out?
Go into your content and find something really neat or cool and make them aware of it in the drill down p.s.
“P.S. if you do only 1 thing you’ve got to check out the #3 tip to _____ in my latest blog post.”
Remember, use the P.S. every once in a while, not all of the time.
7.) Add an Ad
Even your content emails can ascend people from being leads…
... into full fledged paying customers!
In other words, just because they’re on your email list doesn’t mean they’re also your customer.
By placing an ad in your email you’ll most likely get less clicks to your content because some people will click on the ad instead.
But that’s okay.
You’re getting people to click on your ad which is increasing the chance for a conversion.
If you put multiple things for them to click on (images, CTA’s, etc) you’ll split up your potential clicks.
So don’t go crazy with ads and images.
(you still want people to read your actual email, right?)
However, as often as you can (without looking ridiculous) add as many links into the email as possible.
Here’s an example of an Ad we used in our own emails which promotes our Inner Circle Coaching and Mentorship program called The Power Players Club:

This ad is one we use at the bottom of some emails to create offer awareness around our inner-circle mentorship program called “The Power Players Club”
As you’ll see, when you click on the above image it takes you directly to the sales page for The Power Players Club.
The key here is to place the ad towards the bottom of the email, rather than smack in the middle of the email.
Your goal is to get your list subscribers to read your entire email without distracting them…
… while still generating offer awareness around your product or service.
Use the P.A.E.S. Formula
Being able to consistently write the perfect email can be tricky.
Therefore, if you’re ever stuck on how to start a particular email…
… go with the P.A.E.S. formula to get out of a jam.
The P.A.E.S. formula can also be used for ad copy or for the introduction to your blog posts.
Here’s how it works:
P = Problem – introduce the problem your email is solving
A = Agitate – agitate the problem to help your reader realize they need to solve their problem
E = Empathy statement – empathize with your reader to help create a bond
S = Solution – present the solution
Emailing your email subscriber list for the first time is exciting but it can also be nerve wracking [PROBLEM]One wrong move and you run the risk of alienating your subscriber list – and wasting all the time and money you’ve invested into building your email list. [AGITATE]But the good news is… you’re not alone! Thousands of business owners just like you deal with the same problem. [EMPATHY STATEMENT]In this article you’re going to learn the 7 step process to write the perfect email so you’ll never have to worry about annoying your email list again. [SOLUTION]
Next Steps: The 7 Steps To Write The Perfect Email
To recap, they are:
- Write the Subject Line (Direct or Blind)
- Write a “greased chute” Opening
- Write Body Copy (Direct or Blind?)
- Write a CTA Command
- Insert an Image
- Write a “Drill Down” P.S.
- Add and Ad
(with the option to use the P.A.E.S. introduction formula if necessary)
I’m not saying you’ll become a master of writing emails overnight…
… but with time and practice, you’ll start to see your email writing skills improve.
The best part is, you’re not close to being done building your list of email subscribers.
Heck! You might be just starting out.
So the good news is, you have the ability to improve your email writing skills while you grow your email list.
Remember, to become a better writer, you have to keep writing.
Don’t worry too much right now if you feel your current email writing skills aren’t where you ultimately want them to be.
You’ll get better and better with each new email you write.
Finally, if you want to master how to build your email list while you work on your email writing skills…
CLICK HERE NOW to see if List Building Expert is perfect for you!