Video 2: How Should I Market My Business Online
Welcome back to this video in our building your business online video series and today I am going to talk about how to market your business online. If you missed Video 1 you can go back to catch up HERE.
As far as this video #2, there are several marketing options available that you can choose from when it comes to marketing your business online.
Such as: Blogging, Video Marketing, Solo Ads, Social Media Marketing and a few others I mention in the video below. I go into a bit more detail on each method to help you determine which method is right for you according to your personality, budget, and the amount of time you have available to work your business.
If you are brand new and following along in our series here this is the NEXT step you need to take in order to build a successful business online. Whatever method you choose, stick with it and master it.
Video 2: How to Market Your Business Online
When I first started out online I chose too many different marketing methods and realized very quickly I was spreading myself too thin to get results in any of those methods. It’s best to decide in the beginning what you see yourself doing as a marketer and choose that marketing method and stick with it until it works.
Understand it takes time to master a marketing method. It will mean you make mistakes along the way but that’s a good thing. You will be learning and growing from your mistakes and getting yourself closer to success.
If you are wanting to market on Facebook, I can help you with that personally! Check out my latest Facebook course that covers everything you need to build a successful business online using Facebook. Click HERE.
Also some additional resources that I recommend to getting excellent marketing training in 1 place is EMP.
I hope you enjoyed this video and I will see you in the next video series coming up in a few days. Feel free to share this post and/or comment if you found value.