Tons of Announcements
We have a ton of announcements that we need to share with you, so let’s get started.
1. No Excuses tickets are going up in price again. Get yourself to VEGAS for the biggest event of the year. Do I really need to tell you why you should be there?
You are serious about your business right? Well this is where the magic happens and you need to believe me on this. If you can get there we can help you but we can’t unless you get there.
Get your tickets today ===> Click HERE
By doing so through that link you get access to our private small intimate mastermind group where you get to pick Bill’s brain and mine on anything you want. We can get to know you too and find out how we can help you in your business.
2. Go vote for us! ===>Click HERE
Voting ends tonight and we need more votes. Go to the link above and click on the social media icons above our images. We are on the first page. You must share your vote in order for it to count with all the social media buttons.
You do that for us and we will send you our latest Facebook training that we did last night. We covered how to create custom audiences with phone numbers and emails within Facebook advertising. We also covered my newest ninja secret on finding your “gold mine” when it comes to the audience you are targeting. And…much much more.
But you have to vote then email me to tell me you did. Yes, I will check btw….. <== email there.
3. We are having a hangout tonight! Yes Friday night happy hour. ==> Click HERE to attend at 5:30. You will need to click the play button, I believe when you show up. Bring your questions and we will bring our answers. Feel free to bring a cocktail too or your beverage of choice.
4. Yesterday I wrote a post / video post on “How to Handle Money Objections” ==> Click HERE
5. I have decided to open up my weekly private coaching calls to all of those on our team. Now we realize you have a choice in where you want to plant your feet. But, if getting in on our weekly coaching calls is something of interest to you, then you NEED to be a part of one of these programs below:
Numis Network – Click HERE
Pure Leverage – Click HERE
Need to know how we incorporate all these together in our business portfolio hand in hand? Click HERE.
Okay Google is going to hate me for all these links in this post! HaHa…..
Join one of those above programs either at the $119.00 level in Numis, VIP in Pure Leverage, or at least Gold in MLSP and you are in our coaching program.
Now I will say this….to work more one on one with Bill and I you will want to be in Numis at the $119.00 level. We have a stellar Elite program for those on our team. Something for you to consider if you are VERY serious about taking it to the next level.
You must have a drive, passion and be coachable. We don’t babysit so be ready to implement and take action.
We are very serious about what we do and building teams is our passion.
Any questions????
Feel free to reach out to us.
Bill 214 662 2841 or you can email me at
Have a splendid day!!