Risking Everything for Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing Success Is Real
So real that I have created a 6 figure income in 6 months upon discovering internet marketing.
But, I have a story for you today that I will be telling you, something very personal and dear to my heart.
You see not too long ago, September 2010, I started this journey in internet marketing and my husband really had no clue as to what I was doing. You see I was doing traditional network marketing, chasing around friends and family with no success at all. Even though I was losing money in my network marketing business that I risked everything to join, my husband still supported me. He supported me even after he he saw I was losing money in a business that I was passionate about. A business that I thought I could actually make 10K a month in.
He stood by me. He knew I was passionate and determined to succeed. He supported me along the way and never had anything negative to say. He may of thought it, but never expressed it to me. Even though the only money I was making was enough to cover my autoship.
I spent many all nighters studying internet marketing, while raising two adorable girls. I spent many 12-15 hour days trying to figure out internet marketing. I sacrificed our family time and putting that life on the back burner. It was tense, but Bill sat back graciously and watched me work. Sacrifices were made, no doubt.
Then one day…..I discovered internet marketing and that opened up a whole new world for me. Bill watched as I developed a new passion. HIs hesitation was kept to himself that this may just be another shiny object that I was chasing after. He had not seen results as of yet. I tried to explain internet marketing to him almost every night and how I learned something really cool from this or that "guru".
I'll never forget that night as we sat on our back porch. "Bill, I really think I can do this! Can you imagine what our life will be like if this works!" He, once again, supported me and never discouraged my dreams.
Little did we know….I would be a 6 figure in 6 months of discovering internet marketing. Nope, Bill just sat back, many times on our back porch listening to me talk about what I had discovered and what I was going to accomplish. Listening to me, supporting me with no clue as to what I was speaking of.
You see, I would not be here today if it were not for his silence. That silence was enough to push me through the difficult times to prove that internet marketing was our ticket to an E-Lifestyle. I was determined to make it happen. My inner drive refused to let him down.
So fast forward to today. Today was a big day. A day where we are risking it all. Once again…..
I risked it all back in November, as you can read in a previous post that changed my life. This was the best decision I ever made. This was my initial step that I took toward an amazing E-Lifestyle. Over the next 6 months, Bill watched the checks come in and became more and more convinced that my passion was turing into success. That internet marketing success that lead us here today.
Today, Bill gave his notice and resigned from his corporate job. As he sat back and watched my passion turn into a 6 figure income he is now becoming an active participant in this journey.
All I know is, I owe him the world, for supporting me in low times and high times. I owe him for all the times he listened to me gripe and listened to me tell him why I loved what I do. He listened all those nights even though he had no clue what I was speaking of. He followed along to live events and supported my reason as to why I needed to attend those event. He is my partner in life and now we can officially say we are a team.
The time has come, Internet Marketing is now what we call home….
Bill is an official entrepreneur in the internet marketing world and I am looking forward to the journey we shall start together as a team.