Network Marketing SuccessNetwork Marketing Success – Getting Back to Core Values

This weekend we qualified for a private training about network marketing success with Herbalife legend and network marketing trainer, Larry Thompson.

Have you ever just listened to someone and had that ah-ha moment? Or you have that one moment from the entire weekend at an event that makes the entire trip worth it.

Well, that’s what my good friend, business partner Mark Call and I experienced on Sunday during the Larry Thompson training.

If you don’t know who Larry Thompson is let me tell you that he is one of the biggest network marketing success stories in our industry.  He was one of the founders of Herbalife and built a massive organization with them.

We have been fortunate here at Numis Network to have him as one of our exceptional trainers who has been molding Numis for the past year into a company that is getting back to the core values that creates network marketing success stories, like Herbalife, Amway, Mary Kay, etc….

In the video below Mark and I discuss some ah-ha moments we have and you just might be surprised as we reveal we may have led people the wrong direction.

Network Marketing Success – Getting Back to Core Values

Mark Call is a part of our team at Numis Network and we are looking to create more network marketing success stories this year.  If you are interested in learning more give us a call at 214 662 2841 and we will gladly discuss our network marketing success plans for this year and our team.


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