Fans For Free On Facebook

And…Much more!

I found a really cool Free tool to get more fans on your Facebook page and Twitter page.  This tool also will give you more video views and website visits.  It does require you to do some work but, hey it’s FREE!

So how do you really get….

Fans for FREE on Facebook?

The site is called Twiends and works of a token basis.  You receive tokens for every person you become a fan of or start to follow on Twitter.  You also get tokens for viewing others websites and videos who are also playing in Twiends.  As your tokens go up then you set an amount you are willing to pay for fans, followers, views, and visits.

I was looking at one time for :

Fans for FREE on Facebook

And I ran across this site.  I worked it for about 5 minutes and boom, I had 20 more Facebook fans in no time.  I would say a draw back would be you continually have to fan others and so on to earn tokens.  But….hey, there is an option just to buy tokens for those of you who really don’t want to do any work, like me.

Enjoy the video and let’s connect on Facebook too!

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