Facebook Talking About This

Facebook Talking About This?

What in the world does this Facebook talking about this wording mean on the Facebook Fan Page?

Does it really mean anything and how does it effect your business?

Yes it means a lot and yes it does effect your business.  In the below video I explain what the Facebook talking about wording means exactly and how you can increase that number.

Hence…you want the Facebook talking about this number to be HIGH in order for Facebook to rate your page as a high EdgeRanked page.  Without a high EdgeRank Facebook will rarely show any of your Facebook Fan Page’s posts in the newsfeed of your fans.

Facebook Talking About This

One thing I should of added as tip #4 to the video is promoted posts.  This is also one more strategy I would highly recommend to getting this Facebook talking about this number up.  Simply post a status update on your Facebook Fan Page and below that post click the promote button.  You will need to choose the appropriate budget to reach the amount of fans you prefer.  Once you do this Facebook will boost this post to the top of your Facebook Fan’s newsfeed.

My gift to you: Free training exposes a simple scientific formula I use to get 25+ fans and 35+ leads per day on Facebook in 60 minutes or less, Click HERE.

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