Facebook Status Updates – Are You Getting Marked as Spam?
Are your Facebook Status Updates getting marked as spam or receiving negative feedback? You might be asking right now, “Michelle how can I even tell? I would assume no, I think…” Well did you know that inside of your insights panel of your Facebook Fan Page you can actually look at each individual Facebook status update that you make and you can view whether someone has given you negative feedback? Such as hiding your post, hiding all your posts, reporting as spam, and unliking your page. In the video below I take you into my Facebook Fan Page’s insights panel and show you exactly where you can find this data on all of your Facebook Status Updates and how you too can read the negative feedback you might be receiving.
I reference my course in the above video. If you are interested in learning more about how to build your business online using Facebook to get more leads, traffic and sales then Click HERE for my FREE training.