
Facebook Pages Manager Great IPhone Tool

Facebook Pages Manager

Facebook Pages Manager










Facebook Pages Manager

The company, Facebook has released another iphone management application to keep you up to date with your Facebook activities.  The first application was the Facebook application for your personal page.  The second application that Facebook came out with was the Facebook messenger application and now Facebook has a new application called Facebook Pages Manager for  the iPhone.   The application allows you to manage your Facebook Fan Page via your iphone.  You can view recent activity, update your brand’s status, upload phothos to your Fan Page, get notifications to your phone of recent activity and view your Facebook Fan Page insights.

One thing I did notice after installing the Facebook Pages Manager is it does not have the message feature.  This is a new feature that Facebook recently added to the new Timeline layout of the Facebook Fan Page. I would not use the application because it lacks this feature because I bet Facebook will shortly have this feature added soon to the Facebook Pages Manager application.

You can download the application through your application icon on your iphone or on your computer through your itunes application.

Features of the Facebook Pages Manager application:

  • Insights
  • Notification of new activity that happens on your Facebook Fan page
  • Capability to respond to comments on your Facebook Fan page
  • Upload photos to your Facebook Fan page
  • Post status updates to your Facebook Fan page

All done from this one nifty little application.  Just one more great tool for those building their brand on Facebook.  Stay up to date and keep your Facebook Fan page up to date even when you are away from your computer.

Leave me a comment below to let me know what you think of this new Facebook Pages Manager application.


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