In this video I talk about why you need a Facebook Fan Page to build your business online.

Facebook Fan Page:

So why should you get a Facebook Fan Page or a Facebook Business Page? Well that’s pretty easy. Think about it, how would you feel if you were scrolling in your news feed and all of a sudden you come across all of your MLM friends pitching their biz opp, or flashing checks, etc. You don’t want to see all that stuff so what would you do? Would you delete them? Or Unfollow them?

See the benefits of having a Facebook Fan Page or Facebook business page is that you have access to page insights that you would otherwise not have access to if you used your personal profile. You also get the ability to create ads for your Facebook Fan Page or Facebook Business Page, these ads would not be able to be created if you had a regular old profile.

Not only that but by having access to these business related insights, and the Facebook advertising platform you’re able to drive fans to your page and start getting fans to Facebook fan page, or Facebook Business page, when you use targeted advertising you can create a fan page that will engage with your content and your page, and while doing this you can keep you personal page PERSONAL, and keep your Facebook Fan Page, or Facebook Business page PROFESSIONAL, by doing this you also don’t have to worry about alienating people from your personal profile because if they want to see your business related posts then they can go to your Fan Page, or Biz Page!

I hope you got a lot of value from this, if you want to learn more about Facebook marketing check out my course by clicking HERE.

Tags: Create a facebook fan page, facebook fan page tips, create a fb fan page,


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