branding your facebook fan page

Branding Your Facebook Fan Page

Today I want to discuss branding your Facebook Fan Page and why you should brand it with your name if you are an affiliate marketer, internet marketer, network marketer, etc.

In the below video I discuss one of the biggest mistakes I see marketers make when branding your Facebook Fan Page.  So I hope, with this information I can save you a lot of time by getting you set up the right way from the get go.

There are a lot of “what if’s” that I address to those who decide to take a different route and while you may not think any of these “what if’s” could happen to you think again….  I once shared the same sentiment but in reality we are creating an unforeseen obstacle that really we could avoid.

The inspiration to make this video came from a question from one of my followers who asked if it would be better to name their Facebook Fan Page his and his partner’s names, his company, or something else.

I teach this throughout my entire Facebook training course (Click HERE), YOU ARE THE BRAND so be the BRAND and give people the opportunity to find you and want to work with you through the value you provide.

Branding Your Facebook Fan Page

I hope you enjoyed this video tutorial on branding your Facebook fan page and will come back for more Facebook marketing strategies in the future.

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