5Linx was established back in the year of 2000. In 2005 5Linx established itself in the network marketing industry by making the Fortune 500 list. Great management and a promising compensation plan are just a few of the reasons why they were able to make the Fortune 500 list. One aspect to take notice of is the length of time this company has been in business which is a clear sign of prosperity. In the competitive network marketing industry typically start up companies close shop within their first few years. 5Linx has clearly surpassed this mark.
5Linx Products
The 5Linx products consist of three components: sales of telecommunications, direct sales/marketing of the business, & product development. The services include wireless phones & accessories, internet services, satellite television service, long distance phone services, and the VoIP calling plans.
5Linx Owners
Craig Jerabeck, the president / CEO of 5Linx has an impressive background in both the network marketing industry and in the technology of telecommunications field. The company is a privately held company and has been considered a quickly growing business in the network marketing arena.
5Linx Compensation Plan
The products that 5Linx offers are competitive in price compared to the well known brands on the market. Demand is high and almost every household is in need of being connected by some sort of technology.
There are several ways to get paid at 5Linx as a distributor. One can receive income from the retail sales of the product and can receive residual income from the distributor’s customers who make their monthly payments. There are many opportunities as a distributor to earn bonuses. Not only bonuses but also many incentives to earn vacations, luxury cars, and profit sharing. The car incentive is a nice perk due to the reward being a Bentley.
5Linx Opportunity
In order to become a 5Linx representative one has the choice to join at 2 levels. Those levels are as a Customer representative at the $99 level or as a Distributor (IMR) at the initial investment of $499. Monthly fees are $49.99 a month which will give a Rep a replicated website, back office, 5Linx University, 5Linx magazine, and access to other websites that 5Linx provides. The opportunity also requires an annual $99 renewal fee to remain active.
5Linx Scam
While researching the 5Linx opportunity many might find complaints and statements stating that 5Linx is a scam. This typically happens when new distributors are not properly trained into what to do after their warm market runs out. Which means they have pitched all their family, friends, and social networks. Failure rate jumps up to 97% at this point in a distributors career.
If you are considering 5Linx it is recommended that you have a plan B after your warm market runs out. The key is to have an effective marketing system in place. A method that a typical up-line will not mention. The goal is to use a marketing system that will generate leads, give you the tools necessary to build your business, and create a 5Linx sales funnel for you to recruit reps consistently into your business. The result can be an quickly growing organization that works effectively. With the right system and approach you too can have a successful career at 5Linx.
If you’re interested in building your 5Linx business visit the link HERE, and discover how 5Linx distributors are quietly building a massive downline by using this one simple system.