Teaching Your Leaders to Lead

Teaching Your Leaders to Lead

Teaching Your Leaders to Lead

One of the biggest mistakes I see many leaders make is not empowering their up and coming leaders to take on leadership roles.  Maybe it’s because they are “afraid” to give up the reins or maybe it’s just not wanting to take the time to train them.   Whatever the reason, it’s bad for both the current and the new up and coming leaders. Here are a few ways that leaders can teach and encourage new leaders to lead:

  1. Meetings – Give new leaders a small role to speak or take part as a leader at meetings.  Once they get their feet we start to give them larger roles. In the beginning you as the leader may need to guide the up and coming leader but eventually they will grow their own wings and eventually be able to conduct their own meetings on their own.
  2. Team Calls – As you are making coaching or team calls invite your up and coming leaders take on a small role by first interviewing them.  Again, eventually as they start to feel more comfortable give them the reins to also start hosting the team call until they are off and running their very own team calls.
  3. Newsletters – If you create team newsletters or you create blog posts to recognize your team and their accomplishments, allow your new leaders contribute by writing a testimonial or have them share their story or simply just write an article.  It’s a great way to build their credibility and confidence while having their name recognized and exposed to the team.
  4. Webinars –If you host webinars same thing, bring them on as a special guest and interview them.  Have them talk about leadership or even teach on a specific topic.  The goal is to eventually get them to the point where they are comfortable hosting their own webinars on their own.
  5. Empowerment – Empower your new leaders. Don’t babysit.  If they struggle and come to you with a question, don’t just give them the answer. Teach your up and coming leaders how to think like a leader and guide them to solving the problem at hand.  In the end you want to make them feel empowered!

Each opportunity that you give your leaders to lead increases their confidence and abilities. Once they are leading their team, it gives you the opportunity to develop a new leader. Never be afraid of handing over the reins to a new leader…it’s good for both of you!  Bottom line it’s a win / win situation.

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