In this video I will discuss the Facebook 20% text rule. Most importantly how you can avoid getting your ads denied by utilizing the Power Editor.

As you can see when using the power editor to avoid the 20% text rule you need to add a custom thumbnail.

There isn’t a lot you can do about the 20% text rule other than find a work around.

Here are some things to keep in mind as well:

Allowed in the 20% text policy:

  • Pictures of products that include text on the actual product
  • Photos of products in real situations or photos of products with a background

Not allowed in the 20% text policy:

  • Images that are zoomed in on logos/images with text overlay
  • Images that are clearly edited to include text on the product as a loophole to policy

So as you can see the 20% text rule is here to stay! So if you want to avoid constant ad disapproval’s make sure to use the power editor or stay within the guidelines.

If you’re new to Facebook advertising then I suggest you take a look at some of my other free training or if you’re ready to become a Facebook advertising ninja then check out my courses below.

My Facebook A-Z Course: HERE

My Facebook Advanced Coaching: HERE

Click HERE if you want access to my most recent power editor course for only $27.

Hope you enjoyed this video on the Facebook 20% text rule!



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