In this video Bill talks about how to avoid being a “Yellow Pages Marketer” He’s got some really incredible tips to check out the video below.

So what is a Yellow Pages Marketer?

There’s nothing wrong with home meetings, belly to belly prospecting, hotel meetings etc. However for most of us those old methods don’t work. Creating “Memory Joggers” when you’re trying to do MLM prospecting can be touch.

This is what I like to call “Yellow Page Marketing”. When your upline tells you to call 20 people from your list and pitch them on your opportunity that’s a form of “Yellow Page Marketing”. A lot of us have taken to the internet to find pretty much anything and everything we want. My question would then be, why would someone stick to traditional forms of marketing when they can leverage the power of the internet to build an MLM business?

I mean if you are SUPER AWESOME at traditional marketing/mlm building then great! Keep that up, but if you’re not and you’re tired of chasing friends and family, dealing with CONSTANT rejection, making countless list of people to call. If you’re tired of doing the belly to belly and showing up to hotel meetings only to find out that your friend who said they were going to come ended up bailing on you at the last minute due to “traffic”, if you’re tired of all that stuff then I recommend you use the SAME system we’ve used for 4 years to generate over 20,000 leads for our business. If you want access to this SAME system, that helped Michelle make over SIX figures in SIX months then click the link below. Stop being a Yellow Pages Marketer and start taking advantage of the internet.

Tired of chasing friends and family?? Click HERE.

Thanks for checking out this post on Yellow Pages Marketer, social media marketers,

Tags: Yellow pages marketer, mlm prospecting offline, mlm prospecting system, mlm prospecting techniques,

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