Facebook Welcome Video

Facebook Welcome Video

Today I answer your questions from my Facebook Fan Page and today I want to address how to create a Facebook Welcome Video.

I love this question and think it is actually a GREAT idea to getting more fans and building your list of subscribers.  As these two things grow you will be able to create more sales and/or distributors in your business.

In the video below I give you ideas on what you should say in your video and how you should structure your Facebook application tab page, which you can find on your Facebook Fan Page.  A good headline, video, opt in box and you will be good to go to start driving traffic to your new welcome tab.

Facebook Welcome Video Ideas

In the above Facebook Welcome Video I mentioned some places you can use to build your application tab, see the options below:

Fan Page Engine


All done for you! Give these guys your Facebook welcome video and they will create the application tab and install it for you.  Click HERE.



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