In this video I will show you the proper way to create an event using Facebook, and how to promote a Facebook event for greater exposure.

Promote a Facebook Event

The first thing you want to do when trying to create and promote a Facebook event is to actually go into your events manager and create your event. Once you’ve done this you can the proceed to navigating into your Facebook ads manager and click on Create a New Ad. Then you can select promote an event. When you promote a Facebook event you will be given access to the same targeted criteria as well as audience demographics to further refine your event promotion.

One of the great things that happen when you promote a Facebook event is that you get to show your event to a large amount of people that may be interested in attending your live event.

Often times you will want to make sure you take advantage of the Ads platform to get as many attendees or registrations to your events as possible.

Promote A Facebook Event Tips:

Inviting Friends – You can’t invite fans of the page to your event from the page, so you’ll need to use a personal account to invite guests. This can be challenging if you aren’t fans with your page fans. To combat this, pick a handful of influential people who are in different social circles to invite guests from their personal page. The idea is to cast a wide net in order to reach more than just one niche social group. A typical user, not only the event admin, can invite friends to the event. Keep in mind that guests will see who invites who. Try to comment on the event and engage your guests to invite more of their friends as well. This is also another way to organically grow your event when combining it with paid advertising.

Hope you enjoyed my video on how to promote a Facebook event. For more great tips and training click HERE. 

Tags: how to advertise your event, how to promote your event, events to promote business, posting an event on Facebook, Promoting an event, share event on facebook,


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