7 Tips to Improving Your Facebook EdgeRank
If you have ever wondered why you aren’t getting any responses to your FanPage’s status updates it could be because you have a low Facebook EdgeRank score. To check your Facebook EdgeRank and to learn more about how it can impact your business page click HERE.
If you want your updates to be seen among your fans in their news feed, then you are going to have to improve your Facebook EdgeRank. In this blog post I am going to give you 7 strategies that you can start with to improve your Facebook EdgeRank.
When posting a status update consider starting the status update with the following statements or use the following strategies to engage your fans.
Engagement is the key to boosting your Facebook EdgeRank score.
1. Ask questions that start with “Do You Agree or Disagree w/ XYZ….”
2. Grab your fan’s attention by starting your update with, “Breaking News!……”
3. Give a call to action by asking for the “like” or the “share” and if you want to really make this work add an eye popping picture that taps into your fan’s emotions.
4. Set a daily schedule so your fans will know what to expect each day for example: tool of the day, blog post of the week, fan of the week, marketing tool talk, picture of the day, inspiration of the day, deal of the day, etc….
5. Fill in the blank questions always work great.
6. Ask a trivia question.
7. Enlist your fans to solve problems. People love to shine and if they can answer a problem they will certainly be more inclined to share their repsonse.
These are just a few ideas when it comes to boosting your Facebook EdgeRank.
Just remember the higher your Facebook EdgeRank, the more visible you will be on your fan’s top news feed. The more visible you are, the greater the opportunity to persuade your fans to become a buying customer. Don’t overlook monitoring your Facebook EdgeRank because with over 800 million people on Facebook the importance of getting seen is only going to become more and more competitive over time.
If you have any suggestions to improving your Facebook EdgeRank please share with us in the comment section below.