Facebook Timeline Fan Pages Update

Facebook Timeline Fan Pages

Facebook Timeline Fan Pages








Facebook Timeline Fan Pages Is Mandatory on March 30, 2012

If you own a Facebook Fan Page and you are hearing the buzz about the new Facebook Timeline around your page know that on March 30, 2012 you will be converted. Therefore, in order to help you get a jump start on how to navigate through your new layout, I have posted some important information below.

Facebook Timeline Cover Photo

Your new Facebook Timeline cover photo should be 815 x 315 px.  Facebook has implemented strict rules on what this Facebook Timeline cover photo can not consist of.  Make sure you are not in violation or you could get deactivated or deleted from the Facebook management team.

  • No promotions, coupons or advertisements should appear in your cover photo
  • You can not offer things like “40% off” or  “download it from our website”
  • There should be no contact info, web address, or email addresses listed in your cover photo
  • You may not use Facebook’s terms in your cover photo such as “like” or  “share”

You can always visit the help section of Facebook Timeline cover photos inside Facebook by visiting this link, CLICK HERE. 


This is a great new feature that Facebook Timeline Fan Pages users will now have.  As a business owner of your Fan Page you can choose from your admin panel whether you want to add the message button to your page so fans can contact you via the Facebook email system.  If you do not want to use this feature you can simply turn this feature off in the admin panel of your Facebook Fan Page.

Profile Picture 

Facebook no longer has the ability to feature your profile picture as a long banner in the past.  Now your new profile picture must be 125 x 125 or 150 x 150.

Default Landing Tabs

Default landing tabs are now a thing of the past.  The only way not for someone to see one of your tabs that you have created is to either use that particular URL of the landing tab in your advertising or you can also buy a domain and forward that domain to the URL of the landing tab.  Makes me wonder if Facebook wants to increase their revenue in advertising to force users to create ad in order to promote their landing tabs.

I would suggest though, not to give up on your landing tabs.  You just now have to be more creative in the pictures on the tab you are trying to promote.  Try creating a call to action like “Click HERE!” or “Check This Out” and use bright bold colors to make it stand out to your fans.

The landing tab itself has now gone from 520 px to 810 px and the length seems to be able to go on forever.  Not sure why you would want 7000 px in length but just know there so far is no criteria in how long you can have your landing tab.

Admin Panel

The admin panel is a new addition to the Facebook Timeline Fan Pages.  In this panel you can view all notifications, who has “liked” your page, insights, and view your messages.


You now also have the ability to create a status update and pin it to the top of your Facebook Timeline Fan Pages or even highlight the post for a wide view.  This is a great enhancement to the new look and remember engaging with your fans are what keep your EdgeRank up.

While there are many new additions to the new Facebook Timeline Fan Pages there is no need to panic.  This is really good news and is actually more user friendly for the business owners who own Fan Pages.

Recently I ran across a great course from a guy who creates Facebook Fan Pages for companies like Starbucks, Clickbank, Ford and hundreds more. He has released THE most comprehensive step-by-step program for the new Facebook Timeline layout.

I want to encourage you to check it out here: Facebook Timeline Fan Pages



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