Facebook Ad Disapproved

Facebook Ad Disapproved

Facebook Ad Disapproved – Commonly Overlooked Reasons

You are cruising along enjoying the results from your Facebook advertising campaigns when all of a sudden you get a notice that says, “Facebook Ad Disapproved.”

You sit baffled and try to figure out why your ad, that appears fine to you, is getting disapproved by the oh so inconsistent Facebook police.

Okay maybe you haven’t even made it this far and have not had a chance to enjoy the profits of Facebook advertising.  You, quite frankly would just like to get your very first ad approved.

Well in this post I am going to cover some of the most commonly overlooked reasons why you may be getting the notice, “Facebook Ad Disapproved.”  This post will cover just the image portion of your ad and in a future post we will go into more detail on why your descriptions or targeting may be getting you a Facebook Ad Disapproved notice.

Facebook Ad Disapproved – Possible Reasons Using Images

  • Your ad image may not exploit political, sexual, or other sensitive issues. Images must also not be of shock or scare tactics. Images may not be overly sexual, imply nudity, show excessive amount of skin or cleavage, or focus unnecessarily on body parts. Examples below of acceptable and unacceptable:


Facebook Ad Disapproved

Facebook Ad Disapproved

  • Facebook will not allow images with non existent functionality.  This means if you put up an image with a play button on the image that does not actually play then Facebook will disapprove your ad.
  • Images may not use Facebook brand images without permission, including but not limited to logos, icons and alert notification graphics.  Also images that target users under 18 years of age need to be appropriate for that age.  I say just keep your target above 18 years of age and not worry about this.  Facebook will default your target to 13 and older so be sure to change this.
  • No images with text overlay will be permitted by Facebook. Unacceptable image example below:

Facebook Ad Disapproved

5. Images – Facebook will not allow before & after images or images of unexpected or unlikely results.  Images may not depict a state of health or body-weight as being perfect or extremely undesirable.  Examples below on an acceptable image and an unacceptable.

Facebook Ad Disapproved

Images –  No use of Facebook logos are permitted either.

Facebook Ad Disapproved

I hope this helps and for a more extensive list of Facebook Advertising guidelines you can always visit HERE.

Stay tuned for a future post and be sure to subscribe on the right to our blog for the latest updates in Facebook Advertising so we can help you build a successful business online using Facebook.  Or…if you are ready to get all our secrets to never getting the dreadful notice, “Facebook Ad Disapproved” fill out the banner on the right that says Facebook Gone Wild to learn more today.


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