Facebook Preferred Audience

Using Facebook Preferred Audience for Better Audience Optimization Facebook just released a new feature for Fan Page owners called Preferred Audience or Facebook Audience Optimization. "Audience Optimization is an organic targeting tool to help publishers reach and engage their audience on Facebook and better understand the interests of people clicking on their posts." - Facebook As a [...]

2016-09-09T13:49:47-05:00January 22nd, 2016|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments

Facebook Status Updates: How to reply as your Fan Page.

In this video I will discuss Facebook status updates, I often get asked how to respond to messages, or other the Facebook status updates of the pages you follow. Hope you enjoy this video. Facebook Status Updates: It's important to respond to the Facebook status updates of the pages you follow for a few reasons. [...]

2016-12-13T21:41:36-06:00November 19th, 2013|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments

Facebook Status Updates: How to make appealing updates.

In this video I will discuss how to post attractive Facebook status updates. Often times you want to take into consideration how your status update will look in the news feed of your fans and friends. How to create attractive Facebook status updates: When you're posting Facebook status updates you need to take the time [...]

2016-12-13T21:43:33-06:00November 15th, 2013|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments

Facebook Status Updates.. What you should know.

In today's video I want to talk about Facebook status updates: Sometimes it can be easy to forget who's watching, but always remember you've got your brand on the line when you post your Facebook status updates! So as you can see from the video, posting Facebook status updates that show your best side is [...]

2016-12-13T20:48:15-06:00September 23rd, 2013|Facebook Marketing|0 Comments

Facebook Status Updates.. What you need to know

So in today's video I want to talk about the HOT topic of Facebook Status Updates.. Check out my video below on what you should KNOW before you use Facebook status updates! So when you're wanting to generate leads and sales using Facebook, what are some of the mistakes you should avoid? Well to start, [...]

2016-12-13T20:42:29-06:00September 5th, 2013|Facebook Marketing|1 Comment

Facebook Status Updates

Hide Your Facebook Status Updates - Now Why Is That Important? Facebook has just recently announced a new feature that will allow admin owners of Facebook pages to hide their Facebook status updates.  Now you might be asking, "Why in the world would I want to hide my Facebook status updates from all my fans?" [...]

2016-12-13T20:05:33-06:00May 24th, 2013|Facebook Marketing|5 Comments
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